
Sudden Fall Of Top Brands Value Is Making Way For A New Kind Of Disrupter
The latest Kantar BrandZ report has dropped like a bombshell: the world's top brands are bleeding value, a whopping 20% down in just one year. Every sector felt the sting, from media to retail.
Take media and entertainment—plunged by a third. Retail? Same story. Apparel wasn't far behind, with a 21% slide. Personal care and luxury fared slightly better but still took hits of 15% and 4%, respectively.
This isn't just an off year; it's a sign of seismic shifts. After a two-year surge that saw brand values skyrocket, 2023 has slammed on the brakes, hard. The glory days of $8.7 trillion are a memory, with brand values now huddling at $6.9 trillion.
So, what gives? Derrick Daye of The Blake Project cuts through the noise: "Brands create trust. Trust creates choice. Choice creates customers." But if this year's slump shows us anything, it's that trust in big brands is wavering. Could this be the dawn of the underdog?
Big brands are no longer the unshakeable titans they once were. Consumers, hungry for authenticity and newness, might just be ready to jump ship. This could be the moment for disruptors to rise and shine.
Trust is the backbone of brand equity. Lose it, and you're falling fast—just look at the numbers. Big business trust is scraping the bottom of the barrel, only TV news and Congress are less trusted, according to Gallup.
This is more than a rough patch. It's a wake-up call. Big brand dominance is shaking, and nimble, innovative upstarts are itching to take their place.
In the high-stakes game of brand equity, it's not just about being big. It's about being trusted. Without that, you're just another name in the crowd.
The message is clear: adapt, innovate, and keep that trust, or get ready to hand over your crown.
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Sudden Fall Of Top Brands Value Is Making Way For A New Kind Of Disrupter
The latest Kantar BrandZ report has dropped like a bombshell: the world's top brands are bleeding value, a whopping 20% down in just one year. Every sector felt the sting, from media to retail.
Take media and entertainment—plunged by a third. Retail? Same story. Apparel wasn't far behind, with a 21% slide. Personal care and luxury fared slightly better but still took hits of 15% and 4%, respectively.
This isn't just an off year; it's a sign of seismic shifts. After a two-year surge that saw brand values skyrocket, 2023 has slammed on the brakes, hard. The glory days of $8.7 trillion are a memory, with brand values now huddling at $6.9 trillion.
So, what gives? Derrick Daye of The Blake Project cuts through the noise: "Brands create trust. Trust creates choice. Choice creates customers." But if this year's slump shows us anything, it's that trust in big brands is wavering. Could this be the dawn of the underdog?
Big brands are no longer the unshakeable titans they once were. Consumers, hungry for authenticity and newness, might just be ready to jump ship. This could be the moment for disruptors to rise and shine.
Trust is the backbone of brand equity. Lose it, and you're falling fast—just look at the numbers. Big business trust is scraping the bottom of the barrel, only TV news and Congress are less trusted, according to Gallup.
This is more than a rough patch. It's a wake-up call. Big brand dominance is shaking, and nimble, innovative upstarts are itching to take their place.
In the high-stakes game of brand equity, it's not just about being big. It's about being trusted. Without that, you're just another name in the crowd.
The message is clear: adapt, innovate, and keep that trust, or get ready to hand over your crown.
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